News from the Grand Chapter
United Scottish Royal Arch Freemasonry in India and Ceylon

(Royal Arch District of India & Ceylon)
under the

Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland

At the Annual Installation Convocation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland held in Edinburgh on 21st March 2014, the following Ranks were conferred on distinguished Royal Arch Companions of the Grand Chapter of United Scottish Royal Arch Freemasonry in India & Ceylon:-

- The Rank of Honorary Depute First Grand Principal has been conferred on Immediate Past Grand Superintendent, ME Companion Bomi Shawaksha Mehta. This honour has been conferred on him due to his knowledge and dedication to Freemasonry. This Rank has been conferred for the first time on a Companion from India and all of us feel that he rightly deserves it.

- The Rank of Honorary Grand Superintendent has been conferred on Past Depute Grand Superintendent, ME Companion Dhunjishaw Dinshaw Karkaria. This again is also a very high honour, as in India he is the fifth Most Excellent Companion to be conferred this Honorary Grand Rank and all of us feel that he also rightly deserves it.

- The Rank of Honorary First Grand Standard Bearer has been conferred on ME Companion Viswanathan Nagarajan of Chapter Imperial Scottish No. 553, New Delhi and ME Companion Movottar Hiryana Raghavendra Rao of Chapter Gibbs No. 391, Bangalore.

A newsletter has been started to keep members abreast of the happenings within Scottish Freemasonry in India. These are meant to keep visitors enlightened about activities happening in different parts of India by Lodges, Chapters and the District.